The Last Inca Princess

PrizeHonorable Mention in Video And Film
ArtistAna De Orbegoso
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This video is inspired by a seventeenth-century painting of the School of Cusco which documents the marriage of an Inca Princess to a Spanish captain, and the daughter of both. In 1572, the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire in Peru was practically complete. The last focus of resistance was defeated when Emperor Tupac Amaru I, the last Inca, was captured and executed. As part of the surrender treaty, her niece was forced to marry the Spanish captain who had previously captured him. More than narrating the event represented in the painting, this film is a symbolic reinterpretation of these events. Its narrative axes are the experiences and memories of the princess. She represents the passage of transcendence from her mother to her, and from her to her mestizo daughter, reflecting on the resilience of women in the face of adversity.